Tuesday 21 October 2014

Bring It On! Kim Kardashian And Amber Rose Face Off In Birthday Booty Battle

     http://www.thefablife.com/files/2013/10/booty_off_main.jpgThe donk stars must be aligned on October 21st, because that’s the day that gave us ample-booty’d ladies Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose.  Weirder still, both ladies recently became first time mothers with their hip-hop star boyfriends, and they both have romantic connections with rapper Kanye West! What is this, The Parent Trap!? Obviously, there’s only one way to celebrate this duel birthday: with a booty battle royale! Yes, one butt to rule them all.
We all know that Kanye can sometimes be kind of an a–, which might partially explain his fondness for ladies with serious backsides. So now it’s time to cast your vote to decide which of his flames has the greatest butt OF ALL TIME, y’all! Head on up to the comment tab below to make the most (ahem) informed decision. And of course, let’s not forget to wish Kim K a very happy 33rd birthday, and Amber Rose a swell 30th!...See more of their photos after the jump...Leggoooo!


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